While approval has not yet been given by Dr. Bonnie Henry, things are looking up for a baseball season this year. Unfortunately we are not permitted to hold an in-person clinic this year however our BCBUA Area Rep, John Pentland has asked me to forward to you the following details:
Please inform your umpires that they can go to bcbua.ca and log into their personal page (member number and password) and then pay for their 2021 membership with the BCBUA, which will allow them to register for an online clinic and be eligible to umpire for the 2021 season. Membership dues are $35 for youth (13 and under in 2021) and $65 for all others. If an umpire signed up as a new member of the BCBUA in 2020 (and did not receive a refund in 2020), they are eligible to have their 2021 membership covered through their 2020 payment. This process has to be cross-referenced manually, so after the member registers without payment, it needs to be checked and then authorized – which may take a bit of time … and on the member’s profile page will show PENDING until it is authorized. All other members are required to pay for their membership through PayPal or via the Credit / Debit Card link on the PayPal site.
No personal or association cheques will be accepted from this point onwards … the BCBUA is turning towards a paperless financial association.
For umpires that are joining the BCBUA for the first time in 2021, they can go to bcbua.ca and click on the “Become a Member” link and follow the prompts. Please inform new umpires that the Passwords on the BCBUA site are not encrypted and that a password used for the BCBUA site SHOULD NOT be used for any other site. Hopefully this can be changed in the near future.
Once the member has completed their membership process for 2021, they can then register for a clinic. They can chose the appropriate level (Level 1 / Level 2 / Super Clinic (for advanced Level 2 members and above – at a $50 additional cost) which all show a February 1 date – however that is a place holder date only. The dates of the Level 1 and Level 2 online clinics are:
Saturday – March 13th, 9am-1pm
Wed/Thur – March 17/18, 6:30-8:30pm (both evenings must be attended to complete the session)
Sunday – March 21st, 10am-2pm
Wed/Thur – March 24/25, 6:30pm – 8:30pm (both evenings must be attended to complete the session)
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